Main building
Mon.-Fri., 8:30-17:00. Sat. 8:30-14:00
+7 8422 44 16 19
Building 1
+7 8422 44 19 08
Building 2
+7 8422 43 59 74
Building 3
Trade union organization of teachers and staff UlSPU acts on the basis of the Charter of the Trade Union employees (the union) of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the Regulation on the primary trade union organization, governed by the Federal Law dated 12.01.1996 №10-FZ (ed. From 01.31.2016) " About trade unions, their Rights and guarantees ", other laws of the Russian Federation, regulatory documents of the trade union.
Trade union organization of teachers and staff UlSPU is a part of the Ulyanovsk regional organization of Trade Union of the Education and Science Workers.
The structure of the trade-union organization is formed by trade-union bureaus of structural divisions (faculties, the centers, managements) of university in which chairmen and trade union organizers are elected.
For implementation of the current work of the trade-union organization of teachers and staff of university the trade-union committee is elected.
Activities of trade-union committee are follow:
1. Cultural and mass work.
2. Social work.
3. Organization-legal work
4. Sports work.
5. Ensuring activities of Council of veterans ULGPU
The trade-union committee of staff of university represents labor collective of university in negotiations on the conclusion of the collective agreement with administration, actively advocates its interests The present collective agreement signed June 1, 2015 and is valid until June 2018. It reflects the main trends relating to the organization of work and staff pay, working conditions and health protection, social rights and benefits.